How to stop drinking? Regular consumption of alcohol is very quickly becoming accepted as a norm. In any situation, a person begins to consider the use of the alcohol corresponding. Thoughts on how to stop the alcohol, fear the events of life will be less bright. Little by little the habit becomes a disease that destroys the health, the personality, personal and professional relationships.

How to understand that it urgently needs to stop drinking alcohol? That alcohol has become a life norm, as the morning of a hangover and the frequent change of mood.
How to get rid of isis? Alcohol addiction requires immediate and effective treatment. The main obstacle for him is the fact that the alcohol does not recognize the existence of problems, finds many self-excuses and not look for ways to get rid of his addiction. If you want to stop drinking alcohol, but do not know how to do it, the problem is half solved.
How to get rid of alcoholism? To think seriously about how to stop drinking should be frequent parties (more than 1 times a month) and the need to increase the dose. If after the next feast of the drink, so the alcohol became the diagnosis. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Medicamental methods of treatment
How to stop drinking alcohol with the medicine? Drug therapy aimed at suppressing the negative effects of the ethanol treatment of the related mental health and substance abuse disorders and somatic diseases caused by prolonged alcohol intoxication. How exactly is it that helps to get rid of alcoholism?
Through detoxification, calm, multivitamin and reconstructive neutralized toxic effect of the ethanol and carried out medical relief of alcohol dependence.
How to stop drinking alcohol with other drugs? With the help of medication, artificially created "chemical protection", in which consumption of alcoholic beverages greatly affects the health of the patient. A part of the medicine courses, are also included drugs from the group of anxiolytics and antidepressants, and in severe anxiety or aggression shown neuroleptics.
How to permanently stop drinking alcohol with medication? The disadvantage of pharmacological treatments for alcoholism is that the number of drugs that act symptomatically and do not affect the course of the addiction.
And how to relieve the patient of alcohol addiction in the world? Effective drugs used in the most developed countries of the medicine that is not available to domestic patients, and medications for the therapy of aversion to the base of disulfiram or cyanamide allow you to finally overcome the desires only with the informed reception and a high level of motivation of the alcohol.

How to stop drinking with the drugs? Without taking into account the psychological factor and low interest personal medication alcoholism struggling with the investigation, without prejudice of the causes of the problem. In addition, it does not compensate for the mental modification, has a wide range of contraindications and it is very difficult for patients to tolerate. How to stop drinking alcohol?
The prohibition of methods
How to stop drinking? One of the most common methods of getting rid of alcoholism is the encoding. The method is intended to block the intake of ethanol and can be effective in the stage of formation of addiction, where biological and psychological changes, self-criticism is not reduced, and the personality is not destroyed as a result of the abuse of alcohol.
How to get rid of alcoholism with the help of the encoding? The method is based on the prohibition of alcoholic beverages during a certain period because of the fear of the negative consequences. Very often, after the completion of this period of man, especially with a solid alcoholic experience, begins to abuse alcohol at a greater measure (the so-called effect of a long ban). How to stop drinking alcohol?
Alternative methods
How to stop drinking alcohol? A number of original techniques based mainly on a different approach, that is to say, controls the intake of alcoholic drinks and making them a normal body reaction.
How to get rid of alcoholism through alternative methods? The lack of these, in addition to the necessary conscious approach is long, up to 8 months — the duration of the course. Thus, until the end comes not more than 2% of patients. In addition, if the alcohol treatment does not lead to full refusal of alcohol, cannot be considered effective. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Techniques psychotherapeutic

How to get rid of alcohol addiction? An integral part of the treatment of alcoholism is psychotherapy. Its main task is the recognition on the part of the patient, the fact of dependency and loss of self-control. How psychotherapy helps to stop drinking alcohol? It has a variety of forms — conversations with a therapist-a psychiatrist, individual and group techniques. Help to stop drinking?
In the initial stages of alcoholism psychotherapy is immediate and specific. She helps the patient to solve life's problems, which are the reasons for the abuse of alcohol. In addition to psychotherapeutic techniques applied with the aim of increasing the level of motivation of the patient. How to get rid of alcohol addiction?
How to get rid of the drinking and avoid being the victim of a fraud?
How to stop drinking alcohol? It is not a secret that many of the dishonest entrepreneurs seeks to capitalize on people's desire to get rid of the addiction to alcohol. They say that they know exactly how to quickly and permanently stop drinking alcohol without any work and work on the part of the patient. Often scams are licensed and well advertised. How to stop drinking alcohol?
The Allen Carr Method
"I want to stop drinking alcohol, but I don't know how to do it", thinks the man who fell into an alcohol addiction. While millions of alcoholics in the world to find the answer to the question "How to stop drinking alcohol?" helped the book Allen Carr's "Easy way to stop drinking". Many of them used the technique in the counseling of those who coped with his addiction with your help above. How this book help to stop drinking alcohol?
The effectiveness of the method Carr explains its fundamental difference from the methods based on the use of strength of will. It is clear that articulates what is the dangers of alcohol:
- financial costs;
- pathological dependence;
- the negative attitude of the society;
- the health hazard.

But focusing on these aspects are not taken that without further clarification it is well known alcoholics. The main objective of the method of Allen Carr are the causes that make people drink alcohol, regardless of the obvious evil. How is it that helps to stop the alcohol?
Carr argues convincingly that the man does not leave with alcohol-for fears. It fears:
- to be, without the support and pleasure;
- being helpless in the face of stress;
- losing one of the pleasures of life;
- to be helpless in front of the abstinence syndrome an irresistible attraction to alcohol;
- that the desire for alcohol never completely does not disappear.